What we offer:
We work with municipalities!
We help you get started, get focused, get unstuck … in short, get up and going! We have expertise in small rural and urban municipalities, and speak the language of municipal affairs. We understand Councils and the relationships between staff and elected officials. We will help you build and organize a collaborative, civic-minded, accountable and innovative leadership team that works!
We are skilled in start-up phase and change management, strategic planning, action planning, team building and team charters, helping with difficult decisions, and public engagement.
We can help with municipal councils, municipal departments, or local boards. With reasonable rates and professional facilitators, we help you with the big thinking so you can get on with the big results.
We work with non-profit organizations!
We help with strategic planning, with service delivery models, with team building, with change management.
We understand and have expertise in systems, and the many moving parts of service, funding, clients, staff, volunteers, budgets, partners, and the public.
We are skilled in start-up phase and change management, strategic planning, action planning, team building and team charters, helping with difficult decisions, and public engagement.
Team Charters
Setting a team up for success before it starts to work! From a new Council to a department to a committee, we have the tools to get you started on the right foot.
Strategic Planning

Develop, confirm, refine or redefine your mission, vision, values, and figure out what you want to do and how you are going to get there.
Decision Making

When the stakes are high and you want to get it right, we can help in complex decisions. We help you find the answers you already know, and allow you to shine!
Action Planning

You know where you want to go, but need help planning how to get there. We help you define clear steps of action and timelines, and tools to measure your success.
Public Engagement

From community park design to focus groups to official plan meetings to participatory budgeting, we can help in all aspects of public and community engagement.
The First 90 Days
Set your project, program, team, or initiative up for success with early team building, prioritized goal setting and consensus-based action planning.
Next Steps…
Let us know if we can help. We are flexible and experienced, our rates are reasonable, and we are here to help. Give us a call!
Here’s the number